11:00-16:00, Monday, July 23 | Burnet County Extension Office

( AICP & CFM Credits Available )


    • Sign in and lunch;  Partner Presentations (FEMA, others)

    • Intro to CHARM: Planning for Resilience- What are our choices?

    • Interactive Exercises and Scenarios for Burnet County –Where will all the people go?  

    • Exercise debrief: Comparing Scenarios- Common approaches and divergent views.

    Where should we encourage development?
    Avoid it?

    How many homes are vulnerable to flooding?
    In 20 years? Where?

    What if development were higher density here, and lower there?

    How does this impact the water quality of our watershed?

    What new demand for city resources will we see in 10 years? 20 years?

    CHARM– a tool for Burnet CO. – participatory planning for everyone, experts and non-experts alike.